Friday, June 1, 2012

Whens Dinner?

Today I am finally posting this up; I meant to do it on  Tuesday. I make dinner every week on Tuesdays and cook with my baby brother on Mondays, so I do cook as often as I can! This recipe is pork chops and mash. I do hope you like it.
(Note: Get the pork chops,potatoes,milk,butter and chives from your local Farmers Market . Make sure the pork chops are organic and free-range,and the butter and milk Organic.)

Pork chops and Mash
four pork chops             2Kg potatoes
salt                                 butter
paprika                          milk
( one pork chop + 400g potatoes per person)

Preheat the oven to 180C.
Put the pork chops into trays. Season with salt and paprika. Put them into the oven. Leave in for at least 20mins.
Peel the potatoes. Chop them into quarters,or halves, if they are small. (Use all if the pork chops are small, or you have very hungry people.) Put them into a pot of boiling water.
Check the pork chops after at least 20 mins. To see if they are ready look at the under-side. The under-side should look brown. Filp them over if they are. Check the potatoes while your at it. You should be able to poke a fork through the biggest bits. If ready pour the potatoes in to a colander and shake. Put them back into the pot and put in a bit of salt,butter and milk. Get a masher and mash well.
Put the chops and mash on a plate. Sprinkle the mash with chives. Drink with sparkley water.
